July 03, 2004

Angry in more way than one.

So I'm at work today. I happened to sell a guy a grill, and he was having trouble putting it together, so he gave me a call. (This was late in the day, so after standing at the door for the first part of the day in 90 plus degree heat and nearly 100 percent humidity, I was in no mood for any tomfoolery)

I'm trying to talk the gentleman on the phone (which happens to be at our department's registers) through his problem, when I hear a kid give out a Howard Dean-Like "Yeeeeeaaaargh!", and then he laughs. Let me tell you that this kid was LOUD. I hear his Mom tell him "Shhh", and I figured that this was a one-time deal. Boy was I wrong.

After about three minutes of this kid screaming his head off, I finally snapped. I turned around, and yelled in thier general direction "Please! I'm on the phone here!" All this time, I had never bothered to look around at the child in question, but after I had already said something, I realised that this kid was (shall we say) "Differently Abled". I'm not sure if he was autistic, deaf, or precisely what his condition was, but he was not what is generally considered normal.

His Mom stated to me (just as pissily as I had talked to the kid) "He can't understand you" so I apologized, and went on with trying to help my customer. Maybe a half an hour after the customer had left, I got called back to the office by a manager, and was on the carpet for the incident. Nothing came of it from my end (No write-up's or anything formal). Now let's get on to the things that pissed me off:

1. As a person who works in retail, it seems that I get to witness every example of bad parenting on the face of the earth. Kid's "showing out" too much (I know that they're going to act up sometimes, they're kids, but fiteen minute tantrums in public is a bit ridiculous), pre-teen girls dressed like hookers, parents leaving thier children in the electronics department playing video games while they shop, the list goes on and on.

I have heard kids screaming like the one today, at least one a day, for the last four months. I'm kind of surprised that I haven't said something sooner, but the one time I did open my mouth, it had to be to a child who couldn't help it. For that, I'm angry at myself.

2. What the hell was she thinking bringing a child who has a propensity to yell at the top of his lungs out to a retail store anyway? Now I can understand that things happen in life, and sometimes you can't find a sitter etc. etc., but how about having a little consideration for your fellow man? The way that this child was making noise was Rude to the extreme. If you know that he might do something like this, don't bring him. For the fact that I was put into this situation, I'm angry at her.

3. Company policy seems to be "The Customer is Always Right" taken to the utmost extreme. Sometimes the customer is Fucking Wrong. When you or your children are disturbing every other customer in a 3 block radius, then (if it's my business) you will be asked to leave my business. There is a certain line that you cannot cross, and it's called "civility". If you are trying to steal from me, or destroy my merchandise, you go to jail. If you can't make yourself understood to the sales staff (haven't bothered to learn English enough to be understood) tough shit. Shop somewhere else. (sidenote: I actually heard an advertisement on the in-store TV Network done entirely in Spanish today. Last time I checked, people were taught to speak English in my country. The vast majority of people who come here and speak Spanish are from Mexico...Illegally. Don't fucking pander them, they shouldn't be here.) So I'm angry at the company I work for, for thier Pussy policies.

All in all. A pissy day.

Posted by Johnny - Oh at July 3, 2004 08:37 PM

Hmmmm.... I'm sensing a little tension here :-P

I know what you mean, though. I have a similar problem at the bank. There's a "facility for special people" right down the road from us, and a lot of the specials bank with us. 2 or 3 of them aren't really good at using their "inside voices". All the other tellers just let them hoot & holler. When the specials come to MY window, I shush them if they get too loud.

I know it's not their fault, but I quiet my barking dog, too, and for the same reason - I know better.

Posted by: Harvey at July 5, 2004 11:17 AM

The dollar movies seems to be the destination of choice for an outing for all the local group homes and special education institutions. The nurses aides push in wheel chairs occupied by drooling patients who probably don't even know where they are at the moment, let alone can enjoy watching a movie with their head resting on the tray across the wheel chair arms. But it's the ones who shout irrationally, babble constantly or roll in the aisles screaming that I have to ask them to take outside on a regular basis. Usually there are only two or three aides for seven or eight "clients", and most times they have to call their facility's security to help remove the trouble maker. Our tax dollars at work....

Posted by: Susie at July 5, 2004 06:22 PM

I'm certainly glad to see that other people out there have lived through this sort of thing. I've taken the last couple of days to calm down, so I should be back to the regular nonsense shortly. :)

Posted by: Johnny - Oh at July 5, 2004 09:29 PM

Be glad that you aren't a parent to a child with special needs you asshole. What are they supposed to do, keep them in the house all of the freakin' time and not let them out in public in fear that they might disturb someone else? If you don't want to deal with the public, then I suggest you find a different career.

And it's obvious that none of the previous commentors are parents, otherwise, they would have a different view on things...

Posted by: B at July 6, 2004 11:30 AM

In my student days I had a job at one of those play-centres you get in the mall. One child I was booking in was autistic. I asked the parents how this affected him. "Oh, he just won't listen to you. That's all. I hope you're not going to discriminate against him". Fifteen minutes later, when he had injured several other children and had a tooth knocked out from "not listening" to us telling him NOT to climb UP the slide, I had to wonder about his parents....

PS I'm a parent myself. When my daughter has a tantrum, she is removed from the situation to a quiet place where she can calm down.

Posted by: Sally at July 6, 2004 03:20 PM

Exactly Sally. I have two children ages 3 and 7. Needless to say that my 3 year old has thrown some fits whilst out in public and I remove her as soon as I can... but, it does happen, and there are usually a few minutes that pass by before I can actually get her out of earshot...

Posted by: B at July 6, 2004 04:38 PM

There IS a certain amount of time before the screaming child (Special or otherwise) can be removed. But I think Johnny's post was about a parent who ignored the fact that the child was in distress, and carried on buying something when they should have put the child first. That's what I object to. Oh, and the fact that you called my brother an asshole. Please don't do that again.

Posted by: Sally at July 6, 2004 05:09 PM

Wow! Nothing like a little heated debate huh? :)

Thank you for coming to my defense Sally. I've been out of the loop, and out of it in general for the past few days.

B - I thought that I had been expressive enough in this post to get the point across taht I am indeed sympathetic to the parents of "Special Needs" kids, but as I said, there's a line. The lady in question (in my opinion) had plenty of time to get her child out of there, and she made no attempt to do so. Then she calls my Manager in order to have me "counseled" for my insensitivity. In my book, you call that a class "A" Bitch. Needs of her child notwithstanding.

I'm not upset about being called an "Asshole" at all though. I still feel like one for yelling at the kid. As for the mother, she can eat shit and live for all I care.

Posted by: Johnny - Oh at July 6, 2004 09:53 PM

Not really too worried about calling your brother an asshole... everybody is one at some point in their life. maybe the best therapy for some of these children is to have them out in public so they can interact with people who are normal. It has to be a scary place, and since neither of my children are disabled, I can't say what I would have done in that situation. I guess the mother figured she was a paying customer just like the rest of us. Anyway, I have a soft spot for disabled children...

Posted by: B at July 7, 2004 07:50 AM

Fair point. Points even. Do you have a blog, B? My daughter is just 4. "Terrible Two's" led into "F-ing Threes". I don't know what to call the "Fours" ;)

Posted by: Sally at July 7, 2004 11:16 AM

Nope, I don't have a blog.. my good friend has one and he tries to get me to start my own often... I always tell him that I don't have time... two girls, ages 3 and 7... I'm with you... My oldest daughter is a charm, quite, polite, the 3 year old on the other hand is a holy terror... heheheee... I always tell the 7 year old to be glad she was born first... If the three year old were first, I am sure she would have been an only child...

Posted by: B at July 7, 2004 01:09 PM

I know. I'm not exactly eager to repeat the baby years. She only slept 4 out of 24. We're too busy rejoicing at the relative freedom to think of having another right now. I always heard that the second one was easier. Do you get that from people?

Posted by: Sally at July 7, 2004 03:08 PM

I do get that from people sometimes... but, in my experience, it's the total opposite. I had no trouble bottle breaking, potty training, or anything with my oldest daughter... I honestly didn't think we were going to get the little one out of pullups before time to attend school.. hehehee...

Posted by: B at July 7, 2004 03:42 PM

LOL! True. Well I guess we'd better carry on this conversation outside my big Blogbrother's room. Thanks for your sympathetic comment at my place. Much appreciated.

Posted by: Sally at July 7, 2004 03:54 PM

You both are always welcome to use my comments to chat back and forth. That's why they're open, and the conversation doesn't always have to be about me. :)

Posted by: Johnny - Oh at July 7, 2004 04:18 PM

Thanks Big Bro! By the way, I have to say what a great blogger you are ;) How about siring B as a Blogchild of your own ?(I'm hopeless with Code). Harvey wants blog-grandchildren. Go for it, B! It's not about the design, it's the writing that counts, right? Look at my site. It looks terrible!

Posted by: Sally at July 7, 2004 05:22 PM

Not a bad idea! B I know you've stated that you don't have the time to do so, but if you've got a minute to comment, you've got a minute to blog. You've got some great opinions, and are very eloquent in sharing them. If you'd like some advice, or just a push to get you rolling, I'm your man.

Posted by: Johnny - Oh at July 7, 2004 05:28 PM

I'll second that. It really doesn't take that long, B. And people on here are really friendly and helpful (Keep it quiet though ;) )

Posted by: Sally at July 7, 2004 05:37 PM

Grandchildren! Grandchildren! YAY!

I've been waiting for this :-)

That, and B can swear like a sailor. Always a plus. Start pokin' & proddin', kiddies.

Posted by: Harvey at July 8, 2004 07:36 PM

Just make sure Harvey can get the name right! ;) Good old dad messed mine up on the first day! Fer crissake!! I know, I know, I forgave ya, Harv!

Posted by: That 1 Guy at July 10, 2004 12:25 AM

I've come to expect that sort of thing from the old Pappy. I'm not sure if it's just innebreation, or if he's getting a little touch of senility. :)

Posted by: Johnny - Oh at July 10, 2004 09:45 AM

Alzheimer's... it's Alzh... OO! Look, a shiny quarter!

Posted by: Harvey at July 10, 2004 02:30 PM
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