November 12, 2004

The Ladies in my life

There's at least one good thing about working on a construction site all day: You can always find a place to relieve yourself. My Namesake is always around. The main problem is: you need to make sure that you time your Movements Shits Poops Craps so that you either "go" at he hotel, or can make it home before you let fly. There are construction workers using those things all the time, so you can imagine that the whole "Next to Godliness" meme hasn't exactly caught on. Believe me, the moment would have to be dire indeed, before my sweet little cheeks(tm) would grace the edge of that bowl.

It's Wednesday morning, and I got up at 4:00 AM in order to get to my "Lead's" (We call him "Ford", because he has the only one in the fleet of shop trucks. Everything else is Chevrolet Vans (Full-sized and Mini) excluding one Nissan pickup) house by 5:00. I stopped off at my local "Convenience Store", and bought myself a cup of coffee. When I arrived at Ford's house, we jumped in the truck, and struck out for Chattanooga. The C-Store that's over by his house was still closed, so we just drove straight through. All the while that I was sitting in the passenger seat (sipping my coffee), all I could think of was "Ford doesn't have one". After leaving the house at 4:30 AM, and arriving back home at a quarter-til-seven that evening, I had to wake up at 4:00 AM the next morning. This time I brought two cups of coffee, because I didn't want to have Ford go through this...again.

I am an every-day drinker. At home I'll have anywhere between 3 and 6 beers, and a minimum of two 12 oz. glasses of Bourbon before bed. That's every night (without fail) for a little more than 7 years now. So, there's a little bar and grill across from where we were staying, and we went over there for supper. Needless to say, I had a beer or two, but I had nothing to do with this.

The nice part of this situation is that I haven't partaken of the "The Devil's Drink" (aka: Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey) in many days...without mishap, or withdrawal symptoms. Sure, Sally's is a little softer, but she can at least control her (And the Gollum's) intake. It took a "Real Job" and a time out of town for me to do the same. In my defense, at least I didn't top off my hip flask, and go out there in spite of myself. If good things come in small packages, then sometimes better things come in NO packaging whatsoever.

Our very own CheeseMistress recently had a moment where she surprised someone. Well, I caught Ford talking to another of the "Senior" mechanics, and he was telling stories. He said something on the order of: "So I got done with the first one, and reached for my wrench and it wasn't there. I turned around and found "him" standing there in the way, and I thought about saying something to him, but I noticed that he was doing just what he should be, so I kept my mouth shut". It's amazing. The effect that actual competency, has on a few folks is absolutely stunning.

I wanted to say something special for Veteran's Day, but Tereasa said it better than I ever could. Sometimes a chain-letter is really worth the BS that you have to put up with to get it.

If you're one of those people who think "Thank God it's Monday", then you should consider the following. Every Monday morning, All the "construction" crews meet to get a little training on the elevators that we install...beginning at 7:00 AM. I'm expecting a "good" sleep-in on Monday. 5omething like, laying in bed until 5:30 or 6:00. So I get a message that I should meet Ford at his house at 5:00 AM on Monday.

I hope the rest of the week doesn't go as good.

Posted by Johnny - Oh at November 12, 2004 09:39 PM

I adore your drinking ethic. It's good to see a person have a plan and stick to it. Yours is rather like mine, btw. :)

Posted by: LeeAnn at November 12, 2004 09:48 PM

OMG. It happened. I got linked for 'crap'. I knew it! I KNEW I would become famous for something like 'crap'! :)

Posted by: Boudicca at November 12, 2004 10:04 PM

That's wonderful Johnny_Oh!! Priceless.


Posted by: Tammi at November 13, 2004 06:03 AM

LOL! Even people across the ocean are calling her Gollum. Cool :-)

Posted by: Sally at November 13, 2004 11:04 AM
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